Now with Grand Canyon charts. Select TAC charts for GA version, and the FLY chart for air operators.
Next chart release is Sept 19.
Cycle 1308 released
The next cycle is Aug 22.
GPX export
You can now download flights using BreadCrumbs into a GPX format.
When importing the GPX file into Google Earth, please use the following settings.
Cycle 1307 released
Cycle 1306 released
Next release is June 27
Cycle 1305 released
However, FAA forgot to include the Honolulu TAC, if it eventually shows up I’ll include it. The next chart update is May 30.
Cycle 1304 released
The next release is May 2nd – please see other release dates here.
Cycle 1303 has been released
With the new SUA info, if you notice any problems please let me know. Please look up the next chart cycle here.
New SUA information
FAA changed one of their data files to a new format. Please let me know if you are missing anything.