If you in the ‘i’ screen have (null), or a very blank looking page, please don’t try to download, it will not work. Something went wrong in the migration process.
In that case you must delete and re-install the app. Please see Q9&Q10 in the FAQ.
If you in the ‘i’ screen have (null), or a very blank looking page, please don’t try to download, it will not work. Something went wrong in the migration process.
In that case you must delete and re-install the app. Please see Q9&Q10 in the FAQ.
Please let me know if you have any issues.
Next cycle is Feb 10. You can look up all the cycles here.
Fix when updating from old version of SkyCharts.
v2.6 adds AirPrint.
This hasn’t made it into the documentation yet, but you can tell the difference by the different SUA’s by looking at the color.
RGB: Red/Green/Blue. 1.0 is as bright as it gets.
In summary: the more RED the dot is the less you want to go there.
#define RGB_WARNING 0.6, 0.0, 0.0
#define RGB_PROHIBITED 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
#define RGB_RESTRICTED 0.8, 0.0, 0.0
#define RGB_ALERT 0.6, 0.0, 0.0
#define RGB_MOA 0.4, 0.0, 0.0
v2.5 adds SUA (Special Use Airspace) information, High Enroute IFR charts and some additional WAC charts to extend sectional coverage charts.
Reviews for the new region select has been less than satisfying.
Remember: Its trying to download a LOT so make sure you use your fastest connection possible. In most cases that should be wifi, but if you know your wifi broadband connection is slow, please try 3G as well and check which is faster.
It should take about 7 minutes to download 450Mb, and about 14 minutes for the 900Mb.
The first download bar is download, the second bar is unzip. If your wifi is faster to download than the unzip process the first bar should move faster than the second bar.
Don’t take the app offline until both bars are at 100%, but you can safely take the app into no connectivity areas after the first bar has completed.
Please let me know if you have any issues updating.
Next update will be Jan 13:
Note: this chart update has High enroute IFR charts as well, but you need v2.5 to view them.
Easier chart selection and FAST download times.
The Classic version has also been updated.There is no longer a VFR/IFR switch, you get absolutely everything cached for your region.
The entire CONUS just take a little more than 1hr to download with a fast wifi connection.
Please note that there are now two progress bars, the first one is how much you have downloaded, the second bar shows how much of it has been processed. BOTH bars need to be at 100% for the chart to be considered cached. Please let the app run until both bars are full.
Now also shows the current cycle and when charts expire.
Next chart update is Dec 16.
Please let me know if you have any issues.
If you’re wondering:
The Bad-Elf, the GNS-5870, the XGPS150 and the Garmin Glo work well with SkyCharts.
If you have a wifi only version of the iPad, or an iPod touch this may be something you want.