1.4.2 is beta testing

First step of D-> (direct) routing. Lets you pick airport/navaid/fix by spinning 3 to 5 wheels and it helps you pick valid combinations. Once a valid ID has been picked you can MAP the point, or bring up the AF/D data.


For some reason SkyCharts is gone from AppStore!
Trying to figure out what happened. SkyCharts should hopefully show up soon again.

Update: Its back as of last evening.


Starting to process new charts for March 12. I’ll have them ready to go on the 11th, simply start the client and it will ask you to update.

Also working on 1.4.X improvements, check the release status in the forum.

Phoenix ?

So I’m changing the back end flow in order to add Alaska charts. The SkyCharts app will have to follow once I’m done. So no work on the app itself this week. Hopefully Phoenix will rise from the ashes!! Stay tuned..

1.4 has been released to AppStore

1.4 adds AF/D and TPP by double tapping on/around airport and the closest will be picked.

The PDF’s are cached only when selecting them, all pdf’s take a total of 3.5Gb!
Let me know if you want to cache the pdf’s for the airport that belong to a sectional, or if its good enough to cache the pdfs as you go.